Tailored Massage

What makes Lavender Fields Therapy Clinic TAILORED MASSAGE unique? There are a number of treatments I can use, separately or as a combination, which are tailored to your specific needs. I can offer you a selection of modalities that provides you with a healthy lifestyle.

Let me explain...

Complementary therapy has many benefits which can include the following:

  • Relax muscles

  • Decreases general muscle tension

  • Reduces anxiety levels and muscular aches and pains

  • Improves circulation, lymphatic system function, joint mobility, immune system function and energy flow.

Nobody knows your body like you do, and everyone has different needs.

Initial Appointment

At your initial appointment I make a preliminary assessment as to your condition, based on some simple questions, together with the information you give me from your completed questionnaire. That allows me to tailor a set of modalities specifically for your needs. It may take more than one visit to design a session that is just right for you. Also, you must realise that your first session is a learning experience for you and me, your therapist. It's a time for me to get to know more about you and your body. You may be a little apprehensive. This is normal for everyone. I will do everything I can to make you feel comfortable and at ease, for example you can let me know if you are uncomfortable, whether the room is to hot, the pressure is too light, or you don't like the music. I can make changes as needed to increase your comfort level, you just need to let me know.

During your first session, I explain what I am doing as we go along and I ask you for your feedback. In subsequent session I won't have to interrupt the relaxing atmosphere to tell you where to place your your arms or ask about the pressure because you have learned the process.

Ongoing Visits

At each visit, if needs be, I may alter your massage procedure,based on the results of the previous sessions and your personal goals and preferences. By the end of our third session, or maybe before that, we will have created your own personal massage procedure.

Example of a Tailored Massage sessions

Let's take the following as an example… You may choose to get a full body massage during your first visit. During that session you realise how much you enjoyed the massage on your feet. However, I find your lower back muscles are really tight and mat need more attention at your next session. So when you come to your next session we decide together to breakdown the 60 minute session like this. By skipping work on your face, head and stomach and working less on the legs and arms, more time is available to target the lower back and feet.

I strive at all time to ensure you always feel safe, secure, and in control. Your comfort is my top priority in achieving all that a Tailored Massage at Lavender Fields Therapy Clinic has to offer. Nothing is set in stone! Please be guided by me, your therapist.